But it's a card game! In 100 lines of code! So, if you can do Acey-Ducey what else can you do? The original author was Bill Palmby of Prarie View, Illinois. Let's look:
(Note that for PRINT I use the question-mark. The interpreter changed them to "PRINT"s back in the Apple days but since I'm using a compiler, they stay "?"s here.)
10 PRINT Tab(26);"Acey Ducey Card Game"
20 PRINT TAB(15);"Creative Computing Morristown, New Jersey"
21 ?
22 ?
23 ?
30 ?"Acey-Ducey is played in the following manner "
40 ?"The Dealer (Computer) deals two cards face up"
50 ?"You have an option to bet or not bet depending"
60 ?"on whether or not you feel the card will have"
70 ?"a value between the first two."
80 ?"If you do not want to bet, input a 0"
100 M = 100
110 Q = 100
120 ?"You now have ";Q;" dollars"
130 ?
140 Goto 260
210 Q = Q + M
220 Goto 120
240 Q = Q - M
260 ?"Here are your next two cards "
270 A=Int(14*rnd(1))+2
280 If A<2 Then 270
290 If A>14 Then 270
300 B = Int(14*rnd(1))+2
310 If B<2 Then 300
320 if B>14 then 300
330 If A>=B then 270
350 if A<11 then 400
360 if A=11 Then 420
370 if A=12 then 440
380 if A=13 then 460
390 if A=14 then 480
400 ?A
410 Goto 500
420 ?"Jack"
430 Goto 500
440 ?"Queen"
450 Goto 500
460 ?"King"
470 Goto 500
480 ?"Ace"
500 if B<11 then 550
510 if B=11 then 570
520 if B=12 then 590
530 if B=13 then 610
540 if B=14 then 630
550 ?B
560 Goto 650
570 ?"Jack"
580 Goto 650
590 ?"Queen"
600 Goto 650
610 ?"King"
620 Goto 650
630 ?"Ace"
640 ?
650 ?
660 Input"What is your bet?";M
670 if M<>0 then 680
675 ?"Chicken!!"
676 ?
677 Goto 260
680 if M<=Q then 730
690 ?"Sorry, my friend, but you bet too much"
700 ?"You have only ";Q;" dollars to bet"
710 Goto 650
730 C=Int(14*RND(1))+2
740 if C<2 then 730
750 if C>14 then 730
760 if C<11 then 810
770 if C=11 then 830
780 if C=12 then 850
790 if c=13 then 870
800 if c=14 then 890
810 ?C
820 Goto 910
830 ?"Jack"
840 Goto 910
850 ?"Queen"
860 Goto 910
870 ?"King"
880 goto 910
890 ?"Ace"
900 ?
910 if C>A then 930
920 goto 970
930 if C>=B then 970
950 ?"You win!!!"
960 goto 210
970 ?"Sorry, you lose."
980 if M<Q then 240
990 ?
1000 ?
1010 ?"Sorry, friend, but you blew your wad."
1020 ?"Try again (YES or NO)";A$
1030 if A$="YES" then 110
1040 ?"OK, hope you had fun!"
1050 END
It's sort of hard to read, isn't it? One thing to pick up, from line 930, is that "between" means equal or greater to the lower bound. So, you can't lose on the low side if the low card is a deuce. Also, if the cards are one apart (and they can be), you can bet negative, and only lose if you match the low card. But that's a separate issue. Let's just break down the code:
Lines 10-80: Intro/Help
Lines 100-110: Variable initialization. I think setting "M" is superfluous, since the value is never used, but since M appears in the code before the user sets it... I dunno, I didn't think any environments at the time would care.
Lines 120-130: Your status update. How much money you have left. This is, strangely, only called when you win. When you lose, you're forced to guess how much money you have left.
Lines 140-240: Sets your wins and losses. This is a very weird place for this and probably how it came to pass that the loss doesn't show your bank while the win does. This money should be added or subtracted in the 910-1050 code block.
Lines 260-650: The bulk of the program, this "draws" the cards and prints them out. Note that the two blocks of code are nearly identical. Also note that the code draws and redraws the cards until A comes out being less than B.
Lines 660-710: These take in the bet and make sure the guy doesn't bet too much, though it doesn't prevent him from betting a negative.
Lines 730-900: Just like lines 260-650, these "draw" a card and print them out. It's kind of cute, but did you notice the code checks to see if the random number it generates is between 2 and 14, and re-runs it if not? I'm pretty sure that's because the RND function was not consistent across platforms. (Basic was poorly spec'ed and liberally grown.)
Lines 910-1050: Test to see if the player wins or loses, and if the game is over because he lost all his money. Note there's no clean exit for a winner.
So, to me, the fasicnating thing is that, even at 100 lines, this program is way longer than it needs to be. Next post, I'll compact it down.
1 comment:
I was also inspired by the Creative Computing book back in the TRS80 day. That's how i learned BASIC. I've used it; specifically Acey Ducey for example to practice new skills; e.g. java (cf Acey.java)
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